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The end of the world as we know it?

I have never been afraid of technology, never given in to the scaremongering of most sci-fi movies, where AI poses a grave danger to humankind, if not is the inevitable demise of our civilisation.

I have always embraced Ed-tech and I couldn’t be more grateful for the pandemic forsomehow forcing us teachers to embrace technology and make the most of it. 

At the same time I am acutely aware of the drawbacks of technology, and how it can enable academic dishonesty, lead to social media addictions etc.

Yet I have never thought AI will ever replace teachers. Until the moment I read this article: ‘College essay is dead’ here

I gave it a go and wrote the following English B prompt 

You have just graduated from high school and want to write to other teens, and their parents, about what you have decided to do after graduating. Write a text in which you state your decision and explain it to them.

And this is the essay it produced instantaneously!

Dear fellow high school graduates and parents,

As you know, we have just completed our high school education and are now entering a new phase of our lives. After much thought and consideration, I have decided to take a gap year before starting college.

I know that this may not be the traditional path, but for me, I feel that taking a gap year will provide me with valuable experiences and opportunities that will benefit me in the long run. During this time, I plan on traveling, volunteering, and gaining work experience that will help me to better understand my interests and career goals.

I understand that taking a gap year may raise some concerns for parents, but I want to assure you that I have carefully planned and prepared for this decision. I have saved enough money to support myself during this year, and I have made arrangements to stay with family or friends while traveling. I also have a solid plan in place for continuing my education once my gap year is over.

I believe that taking a gap year will be a valuable investment in my future, and I am excited for the experiences and growth that it will bring. Thank you for supporting me in this decision.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

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It is not a masterpiece, but it is decent.

I don’t know about you, but I am seriously worried my job will soon be totally useless and become obsolete.



This is the AI writer openai-detector


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