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Personally, I like to learn, although I don't really like being taught.

No, it sadly wasn't me who said it,  Winston Churchill did. Yet, I'm sure these very words resonate with you just as much as they do with me, and resonate in a hurtful, sad way. Ironically, chances are most of you, dear readers, are, just like me, first of all a teacher, by profession, and/or vocation. Are we then, according to Churchill, doomed to an eternity of people disliking us for what we do, teach? 

Not when you make your teaching about learning, and this is exactly my agenda for this blog and my professional life.

When I am to create a bio/ a profile, I always have the urge to write 'a keen learner', rather than mention my experience as a teacher. It is the culture of learning that I long for, root for and subscribe to. A learner-centered, brain-friendly environment that nourishes motivation, enthusiasm, autonomy, responsibility and the joy of academic discovery and personal growth. 

Baby steps, by the day, I strive to become less of a 'sage on the stage', more of 'a guide on the side' for my students. I've explored many paths, methods and ideas to promote a culture of learning. Obviously there are still more to discover and embrace, but so far I'd like to concentrate on some that proved successful for me- namely public speaking, debating, critical thinking, visual thinking, ed tech and some more. These are the areas this blog will address to promote a culture of learning.

I'd be honoured if you decided walk the walk with me. 


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